Friday, November 8, 2013

Foodie Friday: Leftovers Pesto

In the interest of nospendnovember, I thought I'd post one of my favourite recipes for reducing wastage- Martha Stewart's Leftover Herb Pesto.

It's the bomb.  Basically you take whatever herbs you have in your crisper and bung them in a food processor with some other stuff and  (I'm so sorry but I have to) hey pesto!


Anyway, back to more serious matters:

1 teaspoon minced garlic (or a chopped up clove)
1/4 cup  nuts (Martha says to toast them, but I never bother)
3 cups herbs
1/2 cup olive oil
1/4 cup grated dry hard cheese (traditionally it's parmesan, but being a vegie I generally use cheddar)
salt and pepper

Put in a food processor and blend til it looks like pesto.

Tastes awesome.  Some combos I've made before
- Walnut, basil, mint
- spinach, pine nut, rocket
- dill, mint, almond
- basil, parsley, macadamia
- rosemary, coriander, cashew

Basically anything seems to work though, I've never actually made a bad batch of this stuff. Even the time I accidentally put in ginger instead of garlic.  Martha says it keeps for two days, but I've kept it for over a week and been able to eat it. What's your favourite pesto combination?

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